Friday, May 27, 2011

on Austin

I know this a few days late, but it's mainly because it's so hard for me to put into words my relationship and how I feel about my boyfriend of, now, four years.

And because of my inability to properly write about my love life (sorry guys), I'm going to post a couple of pages from what turned into a short book I wrote for him. It wasn't supposed to be very long, but I just couldn't stop writing. I know, I know. How could I write for him and not for y'all? Don't ask me. My brain sat here frozen for about thirty minutes staring at this blank new post page.

X / X / X / X
There were twelve pages, and some were more personal than others, and it was very heart wrenching to write. But in a good way.

And here's some advice from me about boys:

1. Don't get all upset if you give them a present and they don't seem "thankful enough". For a lot of guys, showing emotion is not something they normally do. If you feel like you gave them something wonderful and meaningful and they don't cry about how beautiful and meaningful it is, don't take it the wrong away. If he takes the time to look at it, read it, examine it, etc. and tell you he likes it/loves it, then your on a good path. Gift giving is never easy, so we rarely do it.

2. Anniversaries. Alright, celebrating your one month/two month/three month/ etc. is real cute up until about a year in the relationship. A lot of people, myself included, find the repetitiveness of monthly anniversaries pretty annoying to say the least. There are only so many times you should have to buy a happy anniversary card or gift. After the first year, we limited it to every six months so we celebrated twice a year. And even this year we overlooked our three and a half year mark. The less you celebrate, the more exciting and meaningful that +1 year mark will mean to you and your significant other.  

A side note: I do have an email you can reach me at if you need advice or think something needs to be covered. You can contact me at and any thing you ask about or tell me is between us. I may ask to use your questions for future updates, but you're more than welcome to tell me no.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

on summer (finally)...

**Advice is at the bottom if you don't care about my boring life**
I'm so so so so sorry for not updating in almost TWO MONTHS!
I've just been crazy busy with finals/preparing for finals/not really having anything other than priorities and studying to blog about. I haven't even been able to bake since Easter, and my Easter baking only consisted of dipping some delicious little Peep Chicks in melted chocolate. :(

Buuuuuut, there are some exciting things going on!

1. It's finally SUMMER TIME! And for the first time since I was a junior in high school I'm not working and taking summer school. But those classes don't start for another week or so, so I've been free to roam around town (which is not as exciting as it sounds) and have been able to get some things done that I've been wanting to do!

2. I'm three days away from my four year anniversary with the best boyfriend in the world!

3. And the said boyfriend's older sister, a great friend of mine, is getting married to the love of her life.

4. And I finally have time to read... I have quite the pile of books that are screaming my name.

To start off I got a few things done.... I got my freshman year scrapbook done. Here are a few pages to see the handy work on my second scrapbook. X / X This really didn't take me very long to actually do... it was buying the materials and ordering the pictures that had me unmotivated to even think about starting this project, but once I got going and started getting crafty, the scrapbook was done and I wish I could make my next one now!
Also I got two shadow box collages done. One is of Austin and I over the past four years, and the other is of my first year doing Student BonfireMy first attempt at these collages.

On Wednesday the 25th, me and Austin will be celebrating our four year anniversary. We went from starting our relationship as a freshman and sophomore in high school, and now we're celebrating as a freshman and sophomore in college (well, we're a sophomore and junior TECHNICALLY, but it's the thought that counts!). An example of what the two of us do best. But, you can't forget the "I love you more" argument. X / X.

And of course, it wouldn't be polite of me to post pictures of Savanah and her fiancée (even though they are the cutest couple in the world), but I definitely can't keep this out of what is exciting about the summer. It's going to be an absolutely beautiful country wedding with two wonderful families coming together. Not to mention I LOVE weddings.

And last but not least: My summer reading list. ;)

I have some advice, as always.

1. For the girls who are are dreading the departure of their older boyfriend going to college: Enjoy the freaking summer. Spend as much time as you can together and worry about him going away in August. Being happy now will make it easier to be happy later. If you are going to make yourself absolutely miserable, then you will be. **I was this girl two summers ago** My boyfriend went off to college while I was stuck in high school... I made myself miserable and guess what? I was making him miserable too. Just have fun and enjoy the time you do have together and then be a big girl and trust and love your boyfriend, not only that but be proud that you have an ambitious boyfriend with goals and dreams. And know that if he's still with you, you're apart of those dreams too. ;)